Sleeping easy now

Drenched my towel with numerous orgasms thanks to my new vibrator 😊

16 thoughts on “Sleeping easy now

      1. Sounds like you need to have your vibrators hooked up to mains power so you can cum and go whenever you want without having to worry about batteries.


    1. Yes they are! I am picky when it comes to my toys. However this one said it was quiet. I turned It on, and I’m pretty sure Mexico wondered what the hell was going on! That was how loud it was! 😁


  1. Reblogged this on Adventures of a Slutty Girl and commented:
    There’s nothing better than drenching a towel…
    or bed sheets, or the carpet, or the bench seat in a restaurant,
    or a couch, or the back seat of a taxi…
    Smart Girl that Rebecca Dawn!


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