Well, today I tried to be in a good mood. Tried and failed miserably.


The kitchen crew made me feel better. “You have to be careful of Rebecca you dont want to mess with her she is the scary one.” a kitchen crew exclaimed.

AJ scoffed. “Are you kidding me? Its the other one who scares me! Rebecca is nicer.” he said. “The other one always walks around with an angry face all the time.”

I laughed so hard. The last bit of my shift was made easier.

I have been getting odd remarks “How come you are so much nicer than your sister?”

Its nice that others noticed that I am the nice and sweet one♥


5 thoughts on “FAILING MISERABLY

  1. I laughed when I read this. So many people tell me I look just like my little sister. Then, they ask me if I am younger or why I seem so much happier. I guess, Becky, we are just pretty dang awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My sister and I look nothing alike and she is darker than me. I always tell everyone she is a Mexican brown baby. (We have relatives from Mexico)
      Our boss even asked if she was adopted because she doesn’t look like our parents 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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