Oh snap!

I didn’t know whether to shake my head, giggle or wince.

Women are beautiful and smart. Some women choose not to use their intellect because they have found some men are intimidated by their intelligence more so than their looks.

It shouldn’t have to matter. Women shouldn’t have to dumb down themselves to be appreciated, attractive or accepted.

Because being playing dumb is neither cute nor adorable, its tiresome. Nobody has time for that kind of mind game!


8 thoughts on “ALL BODY BUT NO BRAINS

  1. I want a woman with brains. Beauty fades….well brains do too, but not for much longer and sometimes not at all. Most sex occurs in the brain. It’s nice to get both, but given the choice, I’ll take brains over body, hands down, any day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes brains are sexy!
      There is nothing sexy about having a conversation with someone when you have to bring a PowerPoint presentation to explain everything but the conversation is low key.😂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I had to be stupid once to make a guy do something. It was acting, I thought it was hilarious he believed I thought he was so great. My friends and son thought I was being stupid for catering to his holier than woman attitude, but I didn’t care. I needed the job done and he did it. And I was the smartest one in the end!


  3. No I get all flak for being right all the time or getting whatever I want. Those are the excuses people use for why I’m single.
    No I use common sense and refuse to play dumb.
    I get what I want because “no” is not in my vocabulary.
    Except for dating. I’m shy ☺️ I have no idea why I can’t be comfortable or confident with guys I am attracted to 😂


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