I’m happy I start at lunch. No more breakfast rush stress.

I chilled out at front counter, smiling ever so sweetly at the customers. I was being so polite it set my teeth on edge! even when they thought I was a trainee. “Do you think it’s right?” A customer demanded. I smiled sweetly, staring vacantly at him. I was being ever so insipid.

“I’m asking you do you think my total is right?!”

Well sir, you ordered 6 specialty chickens and a 20 piece plus a flurry, I thought sourly, did you really think it would come out to $20? Don’t undermine my ability as a cashier! I just kept smiling “I don’t know sir, is it the correct total?”

He blinked “I want my receipt!”

He was holding it! 😂

After lunch I was up in First. Visiting with my regular customers. Watching BK across the street.

I was starting to let my thoughts wonder as I basked in the sunshine. Did we still do multi-orders? Oh my god, I forgot where the multi order button was! Where were all the hot guys?

It should have been a forewarning when the grey clouds were rolling in!

Suddenly Lane 1 was taking forever to greet customers, customers were being rude.

My eye started to twitch. After another customer snarled a hello into the speaker, I couldn’t help it. I lost my patience.

“Lane 1 when a customer pulls up to the speaker? Stop what you are doing and greet the customer! If you cannot take the order tell them to wait a moment! But you must greet the customers as soon as they pull up!”

I blinked. What the hell was I doing? I was Becky after illness. I No longer cared about what could make me stressed! I was gonna chill out! Then I glanced over my shoulder to the door to make sure a manager wasn’t storming up to reprimand me!

a cute guy enjoyed the way I was taking his money “I like you” he said. Awe gee I know I am funny.

I almost paid out the wrong order, due to the fact it was a multi-order. Well how about that! I was also pissed, because none of the order takers informed me 😂

“How come no one told me there was a multi?” I growled.

“Sorry, Becky” Annie chirped.

Another multi-order came in. I was pleasantly surprised because we only do two now. Yes! I did a little dance! Multi- orders were such a pain if there was more than 2!

I enjoyed a nice iced coffee after work

5 thoughts on “DO YOU THINK ITS RIGHT?

    1. Yes multi orders are horrible. When I first started working there we could do up to 10. Then 5. This new system makes it easier but still a hassle because they screw up the other orders. The old system customers had to tell order taker before they order they multiples or the orders would get lost on the screen.
      They still tell us before ordering but now they can tell us after ordering they have multiple and it won’t be a big deal. However the order taker has to tell the cashier because multiples aren’t clear on screen 🤬

      Liked by 1 person

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