I woke up singing this song.

I had a dream that I was in a horrible accident.

Picture it: Darkman, The Crazies, The little mermaid all one movie? That was my dream.

One moment I was in a bar I was laughing singing karaoke, having a drink with my mates when chaos exploded everywhere.

I woke up in hospital, face wrapped up, nearly had been decapitated.

While others could heal by various supernatural means, mine was singing. Couldn’t sing. I was horribly disfigured, out for vengeance. Turns out the hospital was experimenting on people.

My bedmate (?) head looked like a carved piece of meat stretched out onto a balloon. Horrifying his screams of pain when he laid there looking up at the ceiling after they were done.

My turn to be experimented had the adverse effect. It triggered my healing power.

Only I could barely whisper at first.

My playlist?

In the air- Phil Collins

Possession- Sarah Mclaclan

Foolish Games – Jewel

My cat woke me up as I was in the middle of belting out Foolish Games.

Author: Becky

Hi there! My name is Rebecca and I am so excited to share a bit about myself with you.
First and foremost, I am a writer at heart. Whether it's a blog post, a personal essay, or even just a quick social media update, I love to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and express myself through words. And that's exactly why I started this blog - to give myself a creative outlet and the freedom to write about whatever's on my mind.
In my writing, you'll find a little bit of everything. I'm not one to stick to just one topic or subject - I believe in writing about anything and everything that inspires me or gets my juices flowing. From personal experiences to pop culture trends to social issues, I'll tackle it all with passion and enthusiasm.
My background includes a battle with ovarian cancer, which has taught me the true value of life and has given me a deep appreciation for the blessings I have. My faith is incredibly important to me, and I try to live my life with kindness, compassion, and love.
But enough of the heavy stuff - let's talk about some fun facts! Beyond writing and faith, I'm an introverted, impulsive, and dramatic individual who loves to laugh at life's quirks. I'm a cat mom to two adorable fur babies and I can't resist indulging in a good snack or a refreshing iced coffee or boba tea while I write.
When I'm not busy writing or hanging out with my cats, I love escaping into the worlds of Korean dramas, detective shows, and horror movies. And despite my general love of social media, I try to steer clear of the hottest trending movies - I'm all about finding hidden gems and underrated classics.
Ultimately, my blog is a reflection of me and my unique perspective on the world around us. I may not have thousands of followers or a perfectly polished niche, but that's not what's important to me. What is important is that I'm having fun, being creative, and hopefully inspiring others along the way. So stick around, join me on this journey, and lets make the world a better place, one word at a time!


♥writing was all I had, all I’ve ever had, the only currency, the only proof that I was alive. Memory.♥ each of us has a story to tell. Leave your thoughts. Leave your comments.

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